HOME - A-Z-Visual a major part of Aysemart.com WA Tourism Finalist of 2008
 Western Australia's Native Orchids

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      Orchid Information
(Previously known as Wild Orchids of Regional WA)

Orchids Page 1 (30pics) Orchids Page 2 (30pics)
Orchids Page 3 (30pics) Orchids Page 4 (30pics)
Orchids Page 5 (30pics) Orchids Page 6 (28pics)
178 Specimens (201 plus hybrids on DVD)

In Brief
We've literally travelled thousands of kilometres collecting these clips so you can enjoy them any time without having to be bitten by Mosquito's, ticks, bothered by fly's, getting wet, sunburnt etc... But when it comes down to it, we just love finding Native Orchids.

This High Definition vision collected of Western Australia's Native Orchids is arranged from A-Z by common name. Additional data has been added such as scale, date on show, common name and scientific name.

This webpage contains 30 images per page and each small image can be clicked to see the bigger image.

Youtube Upload
Here's the most popular native orchid in Western Australia in High Definition, if you prefer a smoother play and to see more than 200 others, buy the DVD.

Hints ‘n’ Tips
When playing the clips on this DVD, try pressing pause so that you can examine the orchid or information better and if you find the background sound annoying, turn the volume down.

Orchids generally can be found on bushy road verges, granite outcrops, bush tracks, edge of gravel pits, behind cemeteries, golf clubs and halls, throughout national parks and nature reserves.

When you’re hunting orchid photos in our national parks, some are so small that you could step on them if you don’t watch where you are putting your feet, take extra care of the environment so that others can enjoy nature too.
Happy Hunting!!


DVD (This website and facebook)
This webpage and Facebook page are devoted to Western Australia's Native Orchids, we display photos and information that related to the DVD we sell of the same title. Our task is to film all native orchids in the southern half of Western Australia, close up, rotating around each specimen. The images on our Facebook page are copyright protected, our logo is displayed on each photo, and you are welcome to share or use any photo as long as you do not change any photo or remove the logo.

We are a private company called AtoZ-Visual and we specialise in Photographics and Videography, we do not specialise in journalism, all we want to do is share vision of our native orchids to those that are unable to see these themselves, and also we do this in the hope that it saves people walking around looking for them themselves.

We have also producing a Blu-ray Disc, it is in storage and will sell for $10 more than DVD. Please ask if you want one of these or order through.

None of the orchids on this DVD were harmed in anyway during filming and photographing. Sorry we can not disclose the exact spot where each orchid is growing, but we have given an indication to what area of Western Australia they maybe found.

Due to seasonal weather, orchids can be found either a week or two before or after ‘months’ indicated on DVD or orchid databases and books.

Customer Feedback
13-May-2016  - David, you have done a lovely job of the site, it is a real credit to you. As per usual your photos are spot on. I recommend your DVD to replies and friends whenever they ask about images as we bought DVD and love it. They are a lovely resource to go with everything we have picked up from the WANOSCG field trips etc. My photos are okay but yours are spectacular. Hopefully the bit of rainfall we have had might help kick off an improved season this year. Take care and congratulations again on an excellent website and Facebook page. YouTube also brilliant..... Phil Hill

You can purchase our DVD directly...
via email: atozvisual@gmail.com